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Kirinn's Application [ACCEPTED]

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Kirinn's Application [ACCEPTED] Empty Kirinn's Application [ACCEPTED]

Post by Kirinn Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:02 am

0. Your main char name.

1. What's your main level and class?
Level 70 Fiona

2. Are you chill or hardcore?
A bit of both.

3. What bugs you?
People who don't at least attempt to learn something, especially simple things, on their own before asking questions.

4. Do you bug people?
As long as the people are friendly, nope. As the saying goes, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

5. How active you are?
On everyday, but I tend to switch between my alts often.

6. Mind getting on RaidCall for voice chat? Do you plan to use it daily?
I don't voice chat. Sorry.

7. Have you been in contact with anyone from the guild? (Friends, talked about the guild with them)
Can't say I have.

8. Why do you wish to join Affinity?
I was in a small raid party with some of your members; the people seem fun. Plus, the guild name is decent.

9. What would you do if ided in game?
C) Revenge for me and solo like a boss
Then I'll revive you anyway. Because I'm nice like that.

10. Feel free to include any other information or a brief introduction.
I've been playing Vindictus since Early Access Beta. I'm a (lazy T_T) completionist, with 353/359 titles, and aiming to get 100% BP on every battle on every difficulty. Normally, I'd be done with them by now, but I've been lacking motivation because soloing is boring. I also occasionally collect sets for fashion purposes. I don't mind helping people with anything, as long as it's something I'm capable of doing, and I'm not busy or idling (I tend to idle a lot since I leave the game on while I go do stuff). If anyone happens to need any Weaponsmithing or Goldsmithing, I have both maxed on my Fiona and Evie, respectively. Also, I may use this forum occasionally, but don't expect me to be up-to-date on forum posts.
Other things:
I'm male, first off :|. I don't have many things to talk about since I have fairly limited interests, but I try to join in on conversations anyway if I know a bit about the topic. My interests include Anime (though I hate most that air these days), gaming, and Vocaloid music or just Vocaloid in general. Details and anything else you might be interested in knowing will be have to be asked about in-game.


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Kirinn's Application [ACCEPTED] Empty Re: Kirinn's Application [ACCEPTED]

Post by Vanisaur Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:36 pm

Welcome to the guild Kirinn ^_^ Omg 353 titles, that's pretty intense

We're happy to have you~ Be sure to make an account here whenever you have the time

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-11-11

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